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Racial Wealth Equity Resource Center

Produced by Boston Indicators, curates research on the wealth gap and solutions from local and national experts.



MyMassHome is a one-stop resource for helping Massachusetts homebuyers navigate their path to becoming a homeowner.

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Executive Office of Housing and Livable Communities

The Executive Office of Housing and Livable Communities (EOHLC) was established in 2023 to create more homes and lower housing costs for Massachusetts residents.

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Special Purpose Credit Programs Tookit

This Toolkit from the National Fair Housing Alliance and partners is intended to help mortgage lenders understand the elements of creating and managing Special Purpose Credit Programs, which are a proven tool for opening up opportunity to more potential homeowners.  

Executive Office of Housing and Livable Communities

The Executive Office of Housing and Livable Communities (EOHLC) was established in 2023 to create more homes and lower housing costs for Massachusetts residents.


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The Massachusetts Coalition for Racial Equity in Housing has come together around a central task: to develop a rubric for more equitable housing practices. The group sought to not only change internal and  sector-wide practices and procedures, but to enable deeper accountability,  cultural shifts, and concrete indicators to measure success.

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Greater boston housing report card 2023

The 2023 Greater Boston Housing Report Card highlights the continued challenges facing access and affordability in the Greater Boston housing market, with a special section on one possible avenue toward equity - community land trusts.

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A Long Road Home: A Racial Equity Analysis of Homeownership Support Programs in Massachusetts

This report from Boston Indicators tracks the historical racial gap in homeownership to today and provides a thorough landscape scan of affordable homeownership programs in Massachusetts, diving more deeply into four programs: Massachusetts Housing Partnership’s ONE Mortgage, MassHousing’s Workforce Advantage mortgage program, the Massachusetts Affordable Housing Alliance’s STASH program, and the state’s MassDREAMS down payment assistance program.

The Racial Wealth Gap Partnership
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